Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Procastination or Pressure...

Never thought that the time to do an assignment would come again and to make it more challenging, right in the middle of brainstorming, eye-straining n nerve-wrecking marking moments. I always advise my students to somehow plan their writing but when it comes to reality, the execution is harder than I thought!!
I guess old habit dies hard; I was at the junction before, didn't know which path to take, until the eleventh hour has come and tried to strangle me with the guilty feeling of putting things off until they really suffocate you, I mean myself..
As it is, I'm halfway through of the 20-page requirement and if I can make it by tomorrow, I still have time to get it proofread. That's right, final check for that 'kerjakursus BM' before it'll be submitted this saturday.
As Nan said, torturous gilerrr.......

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