Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hop in, dive in, plunge in

Most of the times, I tend to think a lot before making a move. Dalam research selalunya ada dua jenis data iaitu primary and secondary data. Kalu untuk dapat primary data selalunya berisiko tinggi, kalu nak selamat, stick to secondary data....

Most of the time, I seldom get to analyse the result achieved by others in doing the 'near similar' things as to what I'm gonna do. If I'm able to get the data, lagi le lama dok pikir sebelum buat keputusan.

Kawe suko baco quote dari Otto Von Bismark yang berbunyi... "Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others."

And of course the other side of the argument was put forward by Theodore Roosevelt, "The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything."

Disebabkan oleh pandangan2 sebeginilah yg membuatkan saya terkedu, tersentak, berkira2 dan berbagai2 lagi sblm buat sesuatu benda but this time....

Yep, it all started with when I managed to track down an old friend. She suggested that I join Fb to rekindle those memories. Actually, I've heard of Fb before but never got the urge to explore it but this time, something pushed me to get started. To be honest, I'm quite surprised with the result tho' I kinda expect it. Long lost friends are found, as an added bonus, some got profile photos attached, giving me the chance of 'seeing' them after 10-13 years of absence.

It's nice to see a budding musician friend of mine has made his presence felt in London. I still remember when we were about to come back in 1995, he was about to start his career over there. Well done, Art..

Well, this discovery has certainly pressurised me to log in more often, at least when the feeling is still piping hot!!

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